"I just had my first reading with Jennifer and it was amazing. I have already booked another for me and one for my Mom. Jennifer knew specific details about those who passed, was uncanny with knowing their names, heard specific songs that I was connected to, and felt/manifested circumstances in her body (smoking, back pain, chest pain). It was overwhelming in the best way. She threw so many names at me, some of which only made sense later when I talked with family and friends. She was right every time she told me to write the name down and it would make sense later. Some things I pieced together from listening to the reading recording; Jennifer was clearly bringing through folks that passed in very specific ways with very specific names, but I just didn't piece it together at the time.
Jennifer is a wonderful Psychic Medium who I plan to see twice a year from now on. My first reading was overwhelming and a little exhausting for me, but I feel so much lighter now. It was such a healing experience and I couldn't recommend her more. She's amazing.
-Kate W." (January 2024)
I did so much research before making an appointment with a Medium. I wanted to make sure I got it right and I sure did. Jennifer is amazing, very real and she has a true gift. She is genuine and can deliver healing messages that are on point and meaningful. From the moment you make an appointment, Jennifer is so professional and very informative from the initial inquiry. I felt very comfortable making arrangements and felt well informed before my visit. I can say it was a life changing experience and I will definitely be making another appointment down the road. The messages she brought through were specific and 100% my family from the other side. She knew things in detail that no one could know about me. I highly recommend Jennifer for a reading.
JB (March 2022)
I have been coming to Jennifer for readings for a few years and have had several private readings as well as getting a Reiki healing session and holding a psychic party.
She has never asked for any info when booking other than date and time. Jennifer brought through my dad and that he died of pancreatic cancer. She felt his presence and experienced intense abdominal pressure and that he died of a stomach cancer, which his undoing was caused by the cancer causing a tumor blocking his stomach and he couldn't eat. She also knew his name and about my step mom who had died suddenly. She felt an intense headache and felt there was an issue in the head or brain. My stepmom had a history of brain aneurysm and my dad woke up to find she had passed away suddenly one night.
The Reiki session was different. I had what I would call an emotional cleansing after the session as I got emotional on and off for a week but felt amazing after the cleansing.
The recent psychic party I had was great. The girls had a blast. Jennifer did not ask anything about the girls prior. She didn't even know their names. She knew something unique about each one and none of them had seen anyone before. I'll give one example: She asked if one girl knew someone by the name of Chuck. She knew a few but then she asked if anyone had colon cancer? My friend said no; however, about three days later her sister’s boyfriend had a c-scope and had 29 polyps removed. His name was Chuck and awaiting results.
If you are looking for someone who truly cares and isn't trying to scam you, definitely go to Jennifer.
Crystal L. (June 2020)
I am forever grateful for Jennifer and her gift she has shared with me. Her readings have helped me heal and gain closure with my past, in addition to deceased loved ones. She has given me names of people I will meet in the future which helped lead me to one of my dearest friends. Jennifer is so welcoming and professional. She provides a safe and private place for you since getting a reading is such a personal moment.
After 2 readings I decided to try a reiki session. I was not sure what to expect. My first session exceeded any expectations I could have had. I left her house feeling “lighter” and that I was beginning to heal from my past. I did not realize I was carrying so much negativity and the weight of my past with me daily. I feel positive and now attracting positivity in my life. It is very hard to put my reiki experience into words. Every session is a little different personally. I look forward to the relaxing meditation, prayer and soothing voice. It is a kind of peace that is hard to find but I found it in her gift.
Krissy N. (May 2020)
Hi Jennifer:
I just wanted to say thank you for what you did for me last night with my reading. The experience I had was by far nothing else I ever have had. It made me think about so many things but was so comforting. You were so specific and so accurate. You put my mind and heart at ease and I know without a doubt dad was there last night. You mentioned things that very few in my life know. Events that have happened since his passing, my memorial tattoo that not many know about, and private events that happened during his illness. Your gift that you share with others is by far the most comforting thing I have had since dads passing. From the bottom of my heart- thank you.
Betsy (December 2019)
Hi Jennifer!! Regarding my reading last night, you killed it! I honestly was blown away!! and funny thing - I went home and I saw the pic I have of my mom in a frame, one of my favorite ones, that you had mentioned -- her sitting in a chair - HOLDING HER BIG PURSE/ TOTE BAG LOL!!!! I should have taken a picture. However, more importantly, I wanted to mention I found out when I got home last night that my friend, Mary, with the breast cancer who came through, had passed away at 6:42 p.m. right before my reading. It kinda freaked me out a little bit but quickly was so appreciative of her contacting me. She lives in Georgia and she and I were supposed to face time Sunday afternoon (12/22) but she got too tired, fell asleep and never woke up. She must have come through to give me the message that she never got to give me. Thanks so much for last evening. I appreciate it more than you will ever know. What you do is amazing - thanks for helping so many people connect!!! Also, two of the names you gave me that didn’t make sense in session already came through. One was Colleen, who was a friend of Mary’s, the one who just passed. I noticed on her obituary it mentioned her best friend from the church was with her when she passed. Mary lived in Georgia the past 20 years so I don’t know her current friend circle and had never heard that name related to Mary. You mentioned several times the name Colleen to me. Then yesterday, a makeup artist friend that I have worked with her 10 years posted that her Gram went to heaven recently and her name was Betty, as you had mentioned. I never heard her call her anything but Gram.
Sue W.
My brother was murdered in 2005. I never had closure. I couldn't believe that someone would murder him. My brother was immediately able to connect with Jennifer. While during the session, both she and I took notes. In the notes was a name of a guy who was mentioned as associated with his murder. This same guy is serving 15-30 years in jail for a murder he committed in a similar way. Although I may not get closure via the justice system, I got it from my session with Jennifer. In addition, she was able to connect with my mother. She even mentioned the nickname that my mother called me. That name is not common knowledge. The session was by far the best money I ever spent.
Sandra B. (5/25/19)
I had my first session with Jennifer last week and cannot stop thinking about it and how spot on she was. When I arrived at her house, she welcomed me with open arms, almost as if we had known each other for years. The vibe was warm and welcoming and I wasn’t nervous or anxious as I had thought. She took me to her reading room, explained how she works and gave me a piece of paper to take notes, as she does when Spirit comes to her, because trust me, there is a lot at once coming in. I recorded it so I could listen again later and allowed my family as well, who had been brought to tears because things that didn’t make sense to me, meant very important things to them, as she indicated may happen.
I had a reading hoping to connect with two very important people who had passed; my Pap who has been gone for 22 years and a good friend who passed about 15 years ago. I have been struggling for 22 years with the fact that I never said goodbye to my Pap the last time I saw him before his passing. She knew this along with his name, that I wasn’t there, as something was going on with me, and also that he passed at home. These were details no one could have ever known. He told me what I had been needing to hear and forgave me…and said that the only person who needs to forgive is me, and to forgive myself. At that moment, I felt a change; not a weight being lifted, but I felt lighter... I felt “open” and still feel this way. I don’t know if he has freed me from this guilt I have had for so long, but I feel so good now. Maybe I feel open to Spirit, I cannot explain it, it is not a scary or bad feeling, but an amazing, unexplainable feeling that you need to experience for yourself.
The second person I wanted to connect with came next. Again, name, knowing he was in an accident, how the accident was, knew that I see him in my dreams, and explained why I see him… I got answers that I was looking for and now know that what I was feeling and seeing for so long now made sense and not my imagination. I even had my mother’s family come through, who I never had a relationship with, and gave an important message to my mother, who understood the message after hearing the recording. She brought through my Aunt and other details which no one would know.
I got a reading looking for comfort and came out with an amazing outcome. She also gave me two sets of numbers and explained what they could mean. The very next day, the number 317 that she had given me came to me. I had lost a friend overseas in the war and his flag was not in the same spot in Castle Shannon, so I had run into his brother, who happens to be a police officer. I had asked about the flag and he said he would talk to someone to have it moved back, as he was not aware the flag was in a different spot. When I returned, I asked him what his badge # was and found out it was 17. When I went home and checked the date that Ryan had passed, it 3 17 and he was 23 yrs. old -- more proof that things are making more sense every day.
I have kept both her notes and mine and listen to the tape every other day, and more things then come into my mind, which blows me away. If I could answer any questions, would be happy to.
Jessica K. (May 2019)
Meeting Jennifer for the first time felt like reuniting with an old friend. She has one of those incredibly rare personalities, the kind you only encounter a handful of times throughout your life, where their presence instantly makes you feel both welcome and understood without any need verbal explanation. She automatically just gets you, all of you, with a non-judgmental and caring essence. The process of the reading flowed naturally, from the moment we met until I left her home completely enlightened. I am open-minded, but also cautious about people’s intentions generally speaking. I can confidently say Jennifer has been gifted with an incredibly powerful and genuine ability to be a medium. Her intentions are pure: to help others find their light and path and to help mend any unhealed wounds between those alive and those who have passed. The insights, exact predictions, names, dates, situations, and explanations Jennifer gave could not have been found or influenced by any outside party. My reading with her gave me so much clarity and gave me time to mentally prepare for the passing of my father. Without following her advice, I would have ended up in difficult situations, but I was able to evade them due to her insight. Most importantly, Jennifer helped me to realize that we are not alone! We are looked after from above, and those we love never leave our side, even if they can’t be physically present with us anymore. My experience with her was priceless and I cannot wait to meet with her again. This angelic woman truly has one of the most incredible gifts on this planet. She is a gift to all of us here and I am so grateful to have been lead to her. I would travel the world to be able to talk with her again and have another reading; that is how amazingly gifted she is. She is a true blessing and incomparable to anyone else in this field. I cannot recommend her services enough.
Lindsey H. (6/5/18)
Hi Jennifer! I wanted to say thank you for the very friendly, warm welcome that you extended to my family and me during our family reading. We talked to our families and discovered some of the names and information you gave us was correct that we were unaware of. You definitely have a very special gift and sure made a difference in our lives! We walked away from the reading with a sense of peace for the first time since my Dad’s passing. Thank you for everything.
Cheryl G. (3/20/2018)
I wanted to thank you for taking so much time and making my first experience something I will never forget. So much of the information began to make sense after talking with family, and they were so excited to have received messages from their loved ones. I was especially pleased to have had the opportunity to receive messages from my husband which helps to allow me to move forward and obtain answers to questions that I would otherwise not be able to get now that he is gone. I just can't stop telling everyone about my experience with you and continually use the word amazing as I can't find a better description. I feel a sort of calm within me since our reading. I am so very glad that the powers chose to introduce you to me. Again, thank you for all of your time, knowledge, sensitivity and kindness. I look forward to seeing you again soon.
Nancy T. (3/31/18)
Dear Jennifer,
Words cannot express how much gratitude I have for you and what you do! My last family session, with my husband's Aunt, really blew me away! You have completely changed my life and perception, with all the specific details that you bring up while communicating with my departed family members. I heard a message on Saturday that I have waited 17 long years to get, and it's all because of the expertise that is in this woman. You are completely accurate and with every minute that passes during our session, even more information is revealed. Not only do I get confirmation that my grandmother is around me in spirit, but I also get a strong confirmation about my personal life and things that are yet to come. I could listen to you for hours! I heard from my departed father, my Aunt heard from her departed Mother-in-laws, nephew, and so many others who came through. Thank you for taking the time, even though we did go over, to answer every question and concern.
I feel truly blessed to know you and feel like you have become my life counselor. So sweet, caring, and you put me at peace just being in the same room with you. Can you place me on your waiting list and even your cancellation list? I really look forward to my next session..
Angie L. (February 2018)
Recently losing our mother at 88 years old, my sister and I have been very intrigued about the afterlife. We had decided along with my two children to get some questions answered and peace about the matter. After doing our extensive research, we found Jennifer, who all of us agreed this was the medium we wanted to meet with. I must say, the anxiety was there for all because we did not know what to expect. Jennifer’s response to our email was detailed and very professional. This attracted us even more to her. She made the time and took an interest in us, being that my sister was in from Boston we were limited on dates as to when we could come and see her. Jennifer made it happen! We as a family were very impressed with the way Jennifer related to our loved ones, answering the questions even before we had a chance to ask her. A lot of the information she conveyed to us was remarkably right on! We were amazed and taken back by specifics! All of us learned so much during that session and enjoyed every moment of it! We felt so comfortable with Jennifer and definitely THANK her for giving us the Peace and information we Longed for!!!! She impressed all of us and definitely makes us want to meet with her again soon! Thank you Jennifer, you're a great soul.
Susan and Family (August 2016)
When I decided to seek out spiritual healing, I was led to Jennifer via the internet. I had never met her or heard from friends about her, however, something just felt right. I chose to have the reiki session done, as I was not feeling healthy and balanced within myself. From the moment I met Jennifer in her home, she made me feel completely comfortable and welcome. She picked up on my anxious energy and reassured me expressing emotion, in any form, was welcome and supported. The reiki session truly helped to heal me in ways that you will only know if you go yourself. Afterwards, we discussed the session and how we both had experienced the same sensations. She also spent time to assist me in a plan to further my healing at home and in the future. I am a physician assistant by trade and work on healing the physical body, but I attest that medicine alone cannot heal the soul. If you are seeking spiritual guidance, growth, and healing I highly suggest you let Jennifer help you on your journey. I am blessed to have found her.
Jessi (April 2016)
My experience with Jennifer was simply amazing. I have never been read that way before nor have I ever been to an actual medium. I have always wanted to go and thought it would be good for me. There was a wait, however, I am very happy with the timing of the reading as I was itching for some guidance more so than ever. I researched a few psychic mediums online, and ended up being drawn to Jennifer. When I arrived at her house, she already had a whole sheet of paper written down with notes she took before I even got there. I was expecting them to be somewhat general; however, there were names, places, and personal notes that no one but me would know. I was very nervous at first - I had this appointment scheduled for a long time and the day of - I had such a rough day at work and it seemed like nothing would go smoothly. Jennifer let me know that she felt my anxiety before I even got there and as the reading goes on, my nerves will be able to settle. She put me at ease and explained her process and what I should expect. Jennifer had me write everything she said down and I am so happy that I did. She told me some things that I could not put together on the spot (certain names, health discussions, etc.) but days later made sense and still are coming together! It is so nice to be able to go over everything whenever I want to. Jennifer picked up on my health as well as my loved ones, places I have been and am going, certain people, names, numbers, relationships, work - you name it. What I found very special is that Jennifer had described a very special person to me that had passed away years ago. She was right on with how he passed away and let me know things that only him and I would know. She was picking up on him so well that she randomly told me an artist and their song that he wanted me to hear. When I went home I listened to the song, it was definitely the type of song he would listen to - he had such a different taste in music. It is so comforting to know that he is doing OK. My reading with Jennifer has truly changed my life for the better and has made me more at peace with so many different things. I am so thankful I was led to her. She is without a doubt a truly gifted person.
Krista R. (February 2015)
Today I had a reading with Jennifer and all I can say is wow!! She validated exactly who we were talking to, so many things she said shocked us.
I admit I was a bit of a skeptic, but not with Jennifer she proved to me and my family in many of ways that she is the real deal. Thank you so much Jennifer. You have helped all of us more than you know. We will DEFINITELY be coming back!!
Ashley T. (January 2015)
Thank you for taking the time with me on Sunday. You are truly a gifted person. I have been to a psychic before but nothing like when I met with you. You really made me feel at home and comfortable with the entire experience. Though I did not state that I was there to see if my dad would come through but he most certainly did. It amazed me that the majority of the questions I had written in advance in my pocket you had answered during my reading without me even having to ask. The things that you said there is no way anyone could have known some of them other than a truly gifted person. You have given me a great sense of peace that my dad had safely made it back with his family that has already passed and a sense of closure. You have opened my eyes to some things I also have known I need to work on and just have been avoiding. Thank you again. You are truly gifted and a wonderful spirit. I will be recommending you to several of my friends. Look forward to meeting with you again.
Mary A. (November 2014)
I searched online for a medium in my area. After reviewing their testimonials, I decided to set up a reading with Jennifer. My initial reading was scheduled on November 14th but she emailed me about a cancellation and asked if I wanted to move it up to October 16th. I immediately said "Yes" because this date was very important to me. Jennifer did not know but this date was the 10th year anniversary of my sister's passing. I felt right away that this was a sign. I was very nervous as I waited outside for Jennifer to open her front door. Once I went inside, the nervousness all went away.
I have always believed that our loved ones are around us. They have been giving me signs throughout my life but I needed confirmation from her that they are truly here with us and she confirmed all of that. My sister came through. She gave Jennifer a lot of information that there is no way Jennifer could have possibly known all of this.
I would recommend Jennifer to everyone who wants to get a reading. My niece and friends have already scheduled a reading with her. Thank you, Jennifer, for validating that our loved ones are still truly with us.
Sue (November 2014)
This was my first experience seeing a medium. I have to be honest. I did everything in my power to keep my identity from her. I used a fake email and never called her because I was very skeptical about mediums. My thoughts were I was going to make sure there was no way she could find any information on me. When I arrived, Jennifer immediately made me feel so welcome, almost as if I had known her for years. I didn’t know what to expect. My goal was to get in touch with my loved ones so I could find peace within myself to know that everyone is ok and that they are together and at peace. Jennifer helped me with this burden I’ve been holding. She was able to connect with two very important people in my life. She told me their names and things that only my loved ones would know if they were with me. I think anyone who has such a special gift is a special person and to be able to share her gifts with others is truly a blessing.
My experience with Jennifer was a very positive one. I am at peace now with myself to know that they are watching over me and are with me through my life. Thank you, Jennifer, for such a wonderful gift you have given me and the peace to move forward with my life.
Michele (July 2014)
I went to Jennifer for a reading last night. I've always wanted to go, so I finally did. I researched a few psychic mediums online, and I am SO glad I was lead to her. I never knew she could go into SO much detail! Thank goodness she had me write things down. It is nice for me to be able to go over everything whenever I want to. I was nervous at first, but she put me at ease immediately, and told me what she was going to do and what I should expect.
I really wanted to hear from my Daddy, and I sure did! The things Jennifer told me could have only come from him. There was absolutely no way she could have known these things. She even wrote things down before I came. Jennifer picked up on MY ailment, and I felt bad about that but she said it would go away soon. (I really hope it went away fast!) I absolutely loved the fact that I could tell my Daddy that I was sorry for a certain thing I had done in the past, and he said that it wasn't my fault. I was sick at the time. (Which Jennifer also had no idea what I was talking about.)
My visit with Jennifer was awesome. I really think if a skeptic would talk to her, they would walk away a believer. I will definitely be back, after my Grandma passes. Thanks again, for everything!
Haze S. (July 2014)
I was truly amazed by Jennifer’s ability and still can't believe the calmness I feel after receiving her messages from my brother who passed on a short time ago. I feel like he is always with me but nothing can beat the feeling that he is now happy. I love my brother dearly, but he was in a dark place in his life and he sounded truly peaceful now. The things that she told me were amazing. No one could have known some of the things she was telling me that he was saying--especially while he was in a coma in the hospital. There was absolutely NO ONE in that room with me other than him.
I have referred quite a few people to Jennifer and have a lot of other friends who want to come to our next party. I will definitely be in touch to book another party in the future and thank her so much for everything. Jennifer is a great person.
Kim (June 2014)
I've always been interested in the psychic realm and have had a number of readings from various people throughout my life. I can honestly say that Jennifer is an excellent reader and definitely one of the best I've ever had the pleasure to meet. She has a calm and soothing manner and has tremendous insight into people from the spirit world as well as the living. Jennifer's ability to channel people, names, events, situations, and predict possible outcomes is unparalleled. She has given me invaluable guidance and I often rely on her gift to help me through my life's challenges.
I've recommended Jennifer to a few of my friends and they, too, found her amazing insights beneficial. I personally feel she is an angel put here on earth to help others and I highly recommend her.
Lorena (June 2014)
It was such a pleasure to meet Jennifer last night! I feel we all meet people for a reason that come and go from our life. Jennifer is one of my angels I got the pleasure to meet. It made me feel so good she made contact with my dad because I have had a weight on my shoulder for the last 8 yrs. thinking of things we could have done better. My final time was so short with him that it has been eating away at me. The things that were coming through were all true and blew me away. I have a great life and it was something that was holding me back. I will continue to follow my passion and work at it. I hope to hear the day that you can do your passion and dreams as your full-time career. You are meant to do this and have a special gift others can only wish to have. I can go on and on what a great person you are and anyone that meets you is as lucky as I am!!!
Karrie (May 2014)
Have you ever met someone and felt that you knew them, and they knew you, almost as if they can see all the way through your soul, but in a good way, an accepting way? This describes Jennifer. The first time I met Jennifer it was at a Halloween function. They said, "we have a medium here would you like to sign up?" I was thinking, "ok, sounds like fun. Let's see what she has to say". But to say I was floored, is an understatement! The first thing she said to me was my grandmother's name and not just her name, she described her down to details of how she looked and what we called her. "Ok, I'm awake now," I thought. She continued the reading and told me things others would not know. The next time I went to see Jennifer, she floored me again. This time she didn't just give me information and bring out family for beyond the grave, she gave me numbers, 212 & 516. Now, she said these could be dates or lottery numbers. Well, two days later 212 hit on the lottery and just last week my best friend, who I haven't seen in almost a year called and said she will be in town on 5-16. The best advice I can give is, go see Jennifer. If you don't believe, you will! She is amazing, caring, honest, and very accurate on her readings!
Marlena (March 2014)
It was so nice meeting and working with you. It couldn't have come at a better time. As you know, I recently lost my mom and after your reading at the group party, I felt like a weight was lifted from my heart. You were spot on with things no one would know. What a gift you have! Looking forward to a one-on-one with you next month.
Jean (February 2014)
This woman is amazing. I recently had a psychic party and it was such a spiritual day. We laughed, we cried, we laughed. It was such a bonding experience. Jennifer is professional, kind, and truly amazes with her gifted abilities. I highly recommend having a party, such a phenomenal day.
Christina (July 2013)
I love this woman! She is such a kind and open person that makes you 'awe' struck on her great and blessed gift(s). Jennifer's readings are amazing and extremely accurate on acute details that no one would really know unless she knew the person or "thing" herself. She's the type of person to turn skeptics into believers - a real 'eye opener' to the marvelous and supernatural. Jennifer knew about a lot of the people in my life in the present and in Spirit, and spoke of them. Everything from names and characteristics of their personality traits Jen called out on, to health problems and traumatic situations. She'll even know about your own path in life and to where or what might be headed your way. Simply put, if you wish to believe a little more, or miss a dear loved one, or you wish to know what is "in-store" for you, then Jen is the epitome of what a Medium is and will do whatever in Spirit she can to help you in a loving and safe way!!!
Zach (July 2013)
I only met Jennifer a few months ago and had 2 different types of sessions with her. The first session was one with her Mediumship ability. I walked away from the table about half scratching my head wondering how in the world she could pick up on a few of the things she said to me.
It was things I really needed to hear but not things that anyone could have guessed. I looked and looked at the scratch paper she gave me about
a hundred times since then. (Yes, I kept it in my small safe since that day). I was always a believer in this stuff but also know there are those out there who will "fish" for info and are not so honest about their ability. Jennifer is the real deal. My 2nd visit with her was one that I was having a specific problem and needed some insight and guidance. After the visit, I felt way more in control of the situation and knew exactly what I needed to do. She was dead on and things worked out very well. Her ability is remarkable and I plan on consulting her many more times and have recommended her to friends and family.
Samantha (April 2013)
I've known Jennifer for a few years now. She definitely has a special gift and takes that gift very seriously. When you meet Jennifer, you can immediately sense her very sincere and honest nature. A session with Jen is all about delivering the most important and accurate information possible, for your highest good.
I've had a few readings with Jen, as well as a psychic party at my home. The group event was a success. All of my guests were very pleased and some were just awestruck with her ability to connect with spirit.
My personal experience with her has always been spot-on. She has been able to connect with my loved ones that have passed over and provide messages that are very specific - things that nobody else would know. When you've had a loss and have the opportunity to receive a message from your loved one, it can be a life changing event. In addition to messages from spirit, she has provided advice on current life situations, career changes, etc. Not just general information, but specific details around names, dates and circumstances. It's amazing how her predictions came to fruition. I've had my share of readings over the years, and Jen is definitely the real deal !
John (January 2013)
**If you had a reading, enjoyed your experience and want to share your feedback with others who visit here, please send your testimonial to my email address at: [email protected]. It would be greatly appreciated and I thank you for each and every one of them! You can use your first name and last initial or initials only to keep your privacy. Thank you for visiting my site!
Jennifer is a wonderful Psychic Medium who I plan to see twice a year from now on. My first reading was overwhelming and a little exhausting for me, but I feel so much lighter now. It was such a healing experience and I couldn't recommend her more. She's amazing.
-Kate W." (January 2024)
I did so much research before making an appointment with a Medium. I wanted to make sure I got it right and I sure did. Jennifer is amazing, very real and she has a true gift. She is genuine and can deliver healing messages that are on point and meaningful. From the moment you make an appointment, Jennifer is so professional and very informative from the initial inquiry. I felt very comfortable making arrangements and felt well informed before my visit. I can say it was a life changing experience and I will definitely be making another appointment down the road. The messages she brought through were specific and 100% my family from the other side. She knew things in detail that no one could know about me. I highly recommend Jennifer for a reading.
JB (March 2022)
I have been coming to Jennifer for readings for a few years and have had several private readings as well as getting a Reiki healing session and holding a psychic party.
She has never asked for any info when booking other than date and time. Jennifer brought through my dad and that he died of pancreatic cancer. She felt his presence and experienced intense abdominal pressure and that he died of a stomach cancer, which his undoing was caused by the cancer causing a tumor blocking his stomach and he couldn't eat. She also knew his name and about my step mom who had died suddenly. She felt an intense headache and felt there was an issue in the head or brain. My stepmom had a history of brain aneurysm and my dad woke up to find she had passed away suddenly one night.
The Reiki session was different. I had what I would call an emotional cleansing after the session as I got emotional on and off for a week but felt amazing after the cleansing.
The recent psychic party I had was great. The girls had a blast. Jennifer did not ask anything about the girls prior. She didn't even know their names. She knew something unique about each one and none of them had seen anyone before. I'll give one example: She asked if one girl knew someone by the name of Chuck. She knew a few but then she asked if anyone had colon cancer? My friend said no; however, about three days later her sister’s boyfriend had a c-scope and had 29 polyps removed. His name was Chuck and awaiting results.
If you are looking for someone who truly cares and isn't trying to scam you, definitely go to Jennifer.
Crystal L. (June 2020)
I am forever grateful for Jennifer and her gift she has shared with me. Her readings have helped me heal and gain closure with my past, in addition to deceased loved ones. She has given me names of people I will meet in the future which helped lead me to one of my dearest friends. Jennifer is so welcoming and professional. She provides a safe and private place for you since getting a reading is such a personal moment.
After 2 readings I decided to try a reiki session. I was not sure what to expect. My first session exceeded any expectations I could have had. I left her house feeling “lighter” and that I was beginning to heal from my past. I did not realize I was carrying so much negativity and the weight of my past with me daily. I feel positive and now attracting positivity in my life. It is very hard to put my reiki experience into words. Every session is a little different personally. I look forward to the relaxing meditation, prayer and soothing voice. It is a kind of peace that is hard to find but I found it in her gift.
Krissy N. (May 2020)
Hi Jennifer:
I just wanted to say thank you for what you did for me last night with my reading. The experience I had was by far nothing else I ever have had. It made me think about so many things but was so comforting. You were so specific and so accurate. You put my mind and heart at ease and I know without a doubt dad was there last night. You mentioned things that very few in my life know. Events that have happened since his passing, my memorial tattoo that not many know about, and private events that happened during his illness. Your gift that you share with others is by far the most comforting thing I have had since dads passing. From the bottom of my heart- thank you.
Betsy (December 2019)
Hi Jennifer!! Regarding my reading last night, you killed it! I honestly was blown away!! and funny thing - I went home and I saw the pic I have of my mom in a frame, one of my favorite ones, that you had mentioned -- her sitting in a chair - HOLDING HER BIG PURSE/ TOTE BAG LOL!!!! I should have taken a picture. However, more importantly, I wanted to mention I found out when I got home last night that my friend, Mary, with the breast cancer who came through, had passed away at 6:42 p.m. right before my reading. It kinda freaked me out a little bit but quickly was so appreciative of her contacting me. She lives in Georgia and she and I were supposed to face time Sunday afternoon (12/22) but she got too tired, fell asleep and never woke up. She must have come through to give me the message that she never got to give me. Thanks so much for last evening. I appreciate it more than you will ever know. What you do is amazing - thanks for helping so many people connect!!! Also, two of the names you gave me that didn’t make sense in session already came through. One was Colleen, who was a friend of Mary’s, the one who just passed. I noticed on her obituary it mentioned her best friend from the church was with her when she passed. Mary lived in Georgia the past 20 years so I don’t know her current friend circle and had never heard that name related to Mary. You mentioned several times the name Colleen to me. Then yesterday, a makeup artist friend that I have worked with her 10 years posted that her Gram went to heaven recently and her name was Betty, as you had mentioned. I never heard her call her anything but Gram.
Sue W.
My brother was murdered in 2005. I never had closure. I couldn't believe that someone would murder him. My brother was immediately able to connect with Jennifer. While during the session, both she and I took notes. In the notes was a name of a guy who was mentioned as associated with his murder. This same guy is serving 15-30 years in jail for a murder he committed in a similar way. Although I may not get closure via the justice system, I got it from my session with Jennifer. In addition, she was able to connect with my mother. She even mentioned the nickname that my mother called me. That name is not common knowledge. The session was by far the best money I ever spent.
Sandra B. (5/25/19)
I had my first session with Jennifer last week and cannot stop thinking about it and how spot on she was. When I arrived at her house, she welcomed me with open arms, almost as if we had known each other for years. The vibe was warm and welcoming and I wasn’t nervous or anxious as I had thought. She took me to her reading room, explained how she works and gave me a piece of paper to take notes, as she does when Spirit comes to her, because trust me, there is a lot at once coming in. I recorded it so I could listen again later and allowed my family as well, who had been brought to tears because things that didn’t make sense to me, meant very important things to them, as she indicated may happen.
I had a reading hoping to connect with two very important people who had passed; my Pap who has been gone for 22 years and a good friend who passed about 15 years ago. I have been struggling for 22 years with the fact that I never said goodbye to my Pap the last time I saw him before his passing. She knew this along with his name, that I wasn’t there, as something was going on with me, and also that he passed at home. These were details no one could have ever known. He told me what I had been needing to hear and forgave me…and said that the only person who needs to forgive is me, and to forgive myself. At that moment, I felt a change; not a weight being lifted, but I felt lighter... I felt “open” and still feel this way. I don’t know if he has freed me from this guilt I have had for so long, but I feel so good now. Maybe I feel open to Spirit, I cannot explain it, it is not a scary or bad feeling, but an amazing, unexplainable feeling that you need to experience for yourself.
The second person I wanted to connect with came next. Again, name, knowing he was in an accident, how the accident was, knew that I see him in my dreams, and explained why I see him… I got answers that I was looking for and now know that what I was feeling and seeing for so long now made sense and not my imagination. I even had my mother’s family come through, who I never had a relationship with, and gave an important message to my mother, who understood the message after hearing the recording. She brought through my Aunt and other details which no one would know.
I got a reading looking for comfort and came out with an amazing outcome. She also gave me two sets of numbers and explained what they could mean. The very next day, the number 317 that she had given me came to me. I had lost a friend overseas in the war and his flag was not in the same spot in Castle Shannon, so I had run into his brother, who happens to be a police officer. I had asked about the flag and he said he would talk to someone to have it moved back, as he was not aware the flag was in a different spot. When I returned, I asked him what his badge # was and found out it was 17. When I went home and checked the date that Ryan had passed, it 3 17 and he was 23 yrs. old -- more proof that things are making more sense every day.
I have kept both her notes and mine and listen to the tape every other day, and more things then come into my mind, which blows me away. If I could answer any questions, would be happy to.
Jessica K. (May 2019)
Meeting Jennifer for the first time felt like reuniting with an old friend. She has one of those incredibly rare personalities, the kind you only encounter a handful of times throughout your life, where their presence instantly makes you feel both welcome and understood without any need verbal explanation. She automatically just gets you, all of you, with a non-judgmental and caring essence. The process of the reading flowed naturally, from the moment we met until I left her home completely enlightened. I am open-minded, but also cautious about people’s intentions generally speaking. I can confidently say Jennifer has been gifted with an incredibly powerful and genuine ability to be a medium. Her intentions are pure: to help others find their light and path and to help mend any unhealed wounds between those alive and those who have passed. The insights, exact predictions, names, dates, situations, and explanations Jennifer gave could not have been found or influenced by any outside party. My reading with her gave me so much clarity and gave me time to mentally prepare for the passing of my father. Without following her advice, I would have ended up in difficult situations, but I was able to evade them due to her insight. Most importantly, Jennifer helped me to realize that we are not alone! We are looked after from above, and those we love never leave our side, even if they can’t be physically present with us anymore. My experience with her was priceless and I cannot wait to meet with her again. This angelic woman truly has one of the most incredible gifts on this planet. She is a gift to all of us here and I am so grateful to have been lead to her. I would travel the world to be able to talk with her again and have another reading; that is how amazingly gifted she is. She is a true blessing and incomparable to anyone else in this field. I cannot recommend her services enough.
Lindsey H. (6/5/18)
Hi Jennifer! I wanted to say thank you for the very friendly, warm welcome that you extended to my family and me during our family reading. We talked to our families and discovered some of the names and information you gave us was correct that we were unaware of. You definitely have a very special gift and sure made a difference in our lives! We walked away from the reading with a sense of peace for the first time since my Dad’s passing. Thank you for everything.
Cheryl G. (3/20/2018)
I wanted to thank you for taking so much time and making my first experience something I will never forget. So much of the information began to make sense after talking with family, and they were so excited to have received messages from their loved ones. I was especially pleased to have had the opportunity to receive messages from my husband which helps to allow me to move forward and obtain answers to questions that I would otherwise not be able to get now that he is gone. I just can't stop telling everyone about my experience with you and continually use the word amazing as I can't find a better description. I feel a sort of calm within me since our reading. I am so very glad that the powers chose to introduce you to me. Again, thank you for all of your time, knowledge, sensitivity and kindness. I look forward to seeing you again soon.
Nancy T. (3/31/18)
Dear Jennifer,
Words cannot express how much gratitude I have for you and what you do! My last family session, with my husband's Aunt, really blew me away! You have completely changed my life and perception, with all the specific details that you bring up while communicating with my departed family members. I heard a message on Saturday that I have waited 17 long years to get, and it's all because of the expertise that is in this woman. You are completely accurate and with every minute that passes during our session, even more information is revealed. Not only do I get confirmation that my grandmother is around me in spirit, but I also get a strong confirmation about my personal life and things that are yet to come. I could listen to you for hours! I heard from my departed father, my Aunt heard from her departed Mother-in-laws, nephew, and so many others who came through. Thank you for taking the time, even though we did go over, to answer every question and concern.
I feel truly blessed to know you and feel like you have become my life counselor. So sweet, caring, and you put me at peace just being in the same room with you. Can you place me on your waiting list and even your cancellation list? I really look forward to my next session..
Angie L. (February 2018)
Recently losing our mother at 88 years old, my sister and I have been very intrigued about the afterlife. We had decided along with my two children to get some questions answered and peace about the matter. After doing our extensive research, we found Jennifer, who all of us agreed this was the medium we wanted to meet with. I must say, the anxiety was there for all because we did not know what to expect. Jennifer’s response to our email was detailed and very professional. This attracted us even more to her. She made the time and took an interest in us, being that my sister was in from Boston we were limited on dates as to when we could come and see her. Jennifer made it happen! We as a family were very impressed with the way Jennifer related to our loved ones, answering the questions even before we had a chance to ask her. A lot of the information she conveyed to us was remarkably right on! We were amazed and taken back by specifics! All of us learned so much during that session and enjoyed every moment of it! We felt so comfortable with Jennifer and definitely THANK her for giving us the Peace and information we Longed for!!!! She impressed all of us and definitely makes us want to meet with her again soon! Thank you Jennifer, you're a great soul.
Susan and Family (August 2016)
When I decided to seek out spiritual healing, I was led to Jennifer via the internet. I had never met her or heard from friends about her, however, something just felt right. I chose to have the reiki session done, as I was not feeling healthy and balanced within myself. From the moment I met Jennifer in her home, she made me feel completely comfortable and welcome. She picked up on my anxious energy and reassured me expressing emotion, in any form, was welcome and supported. The reiki session truly helped to heal me in ways that you will only know if you go yourself. Afterwards, we discussed the session and how we both had experienced the same sensations. She also spent time to assist me in a plan to further my healing at home and in the future. I am a physician assistant by trade and work on healing the physical body, but I attest that medicine alone cannot heal the soul. If you are seeking spiritual guidance, growth, and healing I highly suggest you let Jennifer help you on your journey. I am blessed to have found her.
Jessi (April 2016)
My experience with Jennifer was simply amazing. I have never been read that way before nor have I ever been to an actual medium. I have always wanted to go and thought it would be good for me. There was a wait, however, I am very happy with the timing of the reading as I was itching for some guidance more so than ever. I researched a few psychic mediums online, and ended up being drawn to Jennifer. When I arrived at her house, she already had a whole sheet of paper written down with notes she took before I even got there. I was expecting them to be somewhat general; however, there were names, places, and personal notes that no one but me would know. I was very nervous at first - I had this appointment scheduled for a long time and the day of - I had such a rough day at work and it seemed like nothing would go smoothly. Jennifer let me know that she felt my anxiety before I even got there and as the reading goes on, my nerves will be able to settle. She put me at ease and explained her process and what I should expect. Jennifer had me write everything she said down and I am so happy that I did. She told me some things that I could not put together on the spot (certain names, health discussions, etc.) but days later made sense and still are coming together! It is so nice to be able to go over everything whenever I want to. Jennifer picked up on my health as well as my loved ones, places I have been and am going, certain people, names, numbers, relationships, work - you name it. What I found very special is that Jennifer had described a very special person to me that had passed away years ago. She was right on with how he passed away and let me know things that only him and I would know. She was picking up on him so well that she randomly told me an artist and their song that he wanted me to hear. When I went home I listened to the song, it was definitely the type of song he would listen to - he had such a different taste in music. It is so comforting to know that he is doing OK. My reading with Jennifer has truly changed my life for the better and has made me more at peace with so many different things. I am so thankful I was led to her. She is without a doubt a truly gifted person.
Krista R. (February 2015)
Today I had a reading with Jennifer and all I can say is wow!! She validated exactly who we were talking to, so many things she said shocked us.
I admit I was a bit of a skeptic, but not with Jennifer she proved to me and my family in many of ways that she is the real deal. Thank you so much Jennifer. You have helped all of us more than you know. We will DEFINITELY be coming back!!
Ashley T. (January 2015)
Thank you for taking the time with me on Sunday. You are truly a gifted person. I have been to a psychic before but nothing like when I met with you. You really made me feel at home and comfortable with the entire experience. Though I did not state that I was there to see if my dad would come through but he most certainly did. It amazed me that the majority of the questions I had written in advance in my pocket you had answered during my reading without me even having to ask. The things that you said there is no way anyone could have known some of them other than a truly gifted person. You have given me a great sense of peace that my dad had safely made it back with his family that has already passed and a sense of closure. You have opened my eyes to some things I also have known I need to work on and just have been avoiding. Thank you again. You are truly gifted and a wonderful spirit. I will be recommending you to several of my friends. Look forward to meeting with you again.
Mary A. (November 2014)
I searched online for a medium in my area. After reviewing their testimonials, I decided to set up a reading with Jennifer. My initial reading was scheduled on November 14th but she emailed me about a cancellation and asked if I wanted to move it up to October 16th. I immediately said "Yes" because this date was very important to me. Jennifer did not know but this date was the 10th year anniversary of my sister's passing. I felt right away that this was a sign. I was very nervous as I waited outside for Jennifer to open her front door. Once I went inside, the nervousness all went away.
I have always believed that our loved ones are around us. They have been giving me signs throughout my life but I needed confirmation from her that they are truly here with us and she confirmed all of that. My sister came through. She gave Jennifer a lot of information that there is no way Jennifer could have possibly known all of this.
I would recommend Jennifer to everyone who wants to get a reading. My niece and friends have already scheduled a reading with her. Thank you, Jennifer, for validating that our loved ones are still truly with us.
Sue (November 2014)
This was my first experience seeing a medium. I have to be honest. I did everything in my power to keep my identity from her. I used a fake email and never called her because I was very skeptical about mediums. My thoughts were I was going to make sure there was no way she could find any information on me. When I arrived, Jennifer immediately made me feel so welcome, almost as if I had known her for years. I didn’t know what to expect. My goal was to get in touch with my loved ones so I could find peace within myself to know that everyone is ok and that they are together and at peace. Jennifer helped me with this burden I’ve been holding. She was able to connect with two very important people in my life. She told me their names and things that only my loved ones would know if they were with me. I think anyone who has such a special gift is a special person and to be able to share her gifts with others is truly a blessing.
My experience with Jennifer was a very positive one. I am at peace now with myself to know that they are watching over me and are with me through my life. Thank you, Jennifer, for such a wonderful gift you have given me and the peace to move forward with my life.
Michele (July 2014)
I went to Jennifer for a reading last night. I've always wanted to go, so I finally did. I researched a few psychic mediums online, and I am SO glad I was lead to her. I never knew she could go into SO much detail! Thank goodness she had me write things down. It is nice for me to be able to go over everything whenever I want to. I was nervous at first, but she put me at ease immediately, and told me what she was going to do and what I should expect.
I really wanted to hear from my Daddy, and I sure did! The things Jennifer told me could have only come from him. There was absolutely no way she could have known these things. She even wrote things down before I came. Jennifer picked up on MY ailment, and I felt bad about that but she said it would go away soon. (I really hope it went away fast!) I absolutely loved the fact that I could tell my Daddy that I was sorry for a certain thing I had done in the past, and he said that it wasn't my fault. I was sick at the time. (Which Jennifer also had no idea what I was talking about.)
My visit with Jennifer was awesome. I really think if a skeptic would talk to her, they would walk away a believer. I will definitely be back, after my Grandma passes. Thanks again, for everything!
Haze S. (July 2014)
I was truly amazed by Jennifer’s ability and still can't believe the calmness I feel after receiving her messages from my brother who passed on a short time ago. I feel like he is always with me but nothing can beat the feeling that he is now happy. I love my brother dearly, but he was in a dark place in his life and he sounded truly peaceful now. The things that she told me were amazing. No one could have known some of the things she was telling me that he was saying--especially while he was in a coma in the hospital. There was absolutely NO ONE in that room with me other than him.
I have referred quite a few people to Jennifer and have a lot of other friends who want to come to our next party. I will definitely be in touch to book another party in the future and thank her so much for everything. Jennifer is a great person.
Kim (June 2014)
I've always been interested in the psychic realm and have had a number of readings from various people throughout my life. I can honestly say that Jennifer is an excellent reader and definitely one of the best I've ever had the pleasure to meet. She has a calm and soothing manner and has tremendous insight into people from the spirit world as well as the living. Jennifer's ability to channel people, names, events, situations, and predict possible outcomes is unparalleled. She has given me invaluable guidance and I often rely on her gift to help me through my life's challenges.
I've recommended Jennifer to a few of my friends and they, too, found her amazing insights beneficial. I personally feel she is an angel put here on earth to help others and I highly recommend her.
Lorena (June 2014)
It was such a pleasure to meet Jennifer last night! I feel we all meet people for a reason that come and go from our life. Jennifer is one of my angels I got the pleasure to meet. It made me feel so good she made contact with my dad because I have had a weight on my shoulder for the last 8 yrs. thinking of things we could have done better. My final time was so short with him that it has been eating away at me. The things that were coming through were all true and blew me away. I have a great life and it was something that was holding me back. I will continue to follow my passion and work at it. I hope to hear the day that you can do your passion and dreams as your full-time career. You are meant to do this and have a special gift others can only wish to have. I can go on and on what a great person you are and anyone that meets you is as lucky as I am!!!
Karrie (May 2014)
Have you ever met someone and felt that you knew them, and they knew you, almost as if they can see all the way through your soul, but in a good way, an accepting way? This describes Jennifer. The first time I met Jennifer it was at a Halloween function. They said, "we have a medium here would you like to sign up?" I was thinking, "ok, sounds like fun. Let's see what she has to say". But to say I was floored, is an understatement! The first thing she said to me was my grandmother's name and not just her name, she described her down to details of how she looked and what we called her. "Ok, I'm awake now," I thought. She continued the reading and told me things others would not know. The next time I went to see Jennifer, she floored me again. This time she didn't just give me information and bring out family for beyond the grave, she gave me numbers, 212 & 516. Now, she said these could be dates or lottery numbers. Well, two days later 212 hit on the lottery and just last week my best friend, who I haven't seen in almost a year called and said she will be in town on 5-16. The best advice I can give is, go see Jennifer. If you don't believe, you will! She is amazing, caring, honest, and very accurate on her readings!
Marlena (March 2014)
It was so nice meeting and working with you. It couldn't have come at a better time. As you know, I recently lost my mom and after your reading at the group party, I felt like a weight was lifted from my heart. You were spot on with things no one would know. What a gift you have! Looking forward to a one-on-one with you next month.
Jean (February 2014)
This woman is amazing. I recently had a psychic party and it was such a spiritual day. We laughed, we cried, we laughed. It was such a bonding experience. Jennifer is professional, kind, and truly amazes with her gifted abilities. I highly recommend having a party, such a phenomenal day.
Christina (July 2013)
I love this woman! She is such a kind and open person that makes you 'awe' struck on her great and blessed gift(s). Jennifer's readings are amazing and extremely accurate on acute details that no one would really know unless she knew the person or "thing" herself. She's the type of person to turn skeptics into believers - a real 'eye opener' to the marvelous and supernatural. Jennifer knew about a lot of the people in my life in the present and in Spirit, and spoke of them. Everything from names and characteristics of their personality traits Jen called out on, to health problems and traumatic situations. She'll even know about your own path in life and to where or what might be headed your way. Simply put, if you wish to believe a little more, or miss a dear loved one, or you wish to know what is "in-store" for you, then Jen is the epitome of what a Medium is and will do whatever in Spirit she can to help you in a loving and safe way!!!
Zach (July 2013)
I only met Jennifer a few months ago and had 2 different types of sessions with her. The first session was one with her Mediumship ability. I walked away from the table about half scratching my head wondering how in the world she could pick up on a few of the things she said to me.
It was things I really needed to hear but not things that anyone could have guessed. I looked and looked at the scratch paper she gave me about
a hundred times since then. (Yes, I kept it in my small safe since that day). I was always a believer in this stuff but also know there are those out there who will "fish" for info and are not so honest about their ability. Jennifer is the real deal. My 2nd visit with her was one that I was having a specific problem and needed some insight and guidance. After the visit, I felt way more in control of the situation and knew exactly what I needed to do. She was dead on and things worked out very well. Her ability is remarkable and I plan on consulting her many more times and have recommended her to friends and family.
Samantha (April 2013)
I've known Jennifer for a few years now. She definitely has a special gift and takes that gift very seriously. When you meet Jennifer, you can immediately sense her very sincere and honest nature. A session with Jen is all about delivering the most important and accurate information possible, for your highest good.
I've had a few readings with Jen, as well as a psychic party at my home. The group event was a success. All of my guests were very pleased and some were just awestruck with her ability to connect with spirit.
My personal experience with her has always been spot-on. She has been able to connect with my loved ones that have passed over and provide messages that are very specific - things that nobody else would know. When you've had a loss and have the opportunity to receive a message from your loved one, it can be a life changing event. In addition to messages from spirit, she has provided advice on current life situations, career changes, etc. Not just general information, but specific details around names, dates and circumstances. It's amazing how her predictions came to fruition. I've had my share of readings over the years, and Jen is definitely the real deal !
John (January 2013)
**If you had a reading, enjoyed your experience and want to share your feedback with others who visit here, please send your testimonial to my email address at: [email protected]. It would be greatly appreciated and I thank you for each and every one of them! You can use your first name and last initial or initials only to keep your privacy. Thank you for visiting my site!